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Sunday, March 17, 2013

Day 2 - PDL

Question to consider: I know that God created me. What areas of my personality, background, and physical appearance am I struggling to accept?

My answer: I struggle with ALOT when it comes to accepting different areas of who I am. I don't like me as a whole sometimes for different reasons. I don't like how I act sometimes...rude and ugly to the ones who love me. I judge others with ugly thoughts. I try to stay away from gossip but find myself jumping in the conversation sometimes. Its hard for me to show love to the ones who mean the most to me. I have never liked or loved my body. I've been chunky or fat my whole life. I always envied the girls at school who could wear whatever they wanted or had the size boobs I wanted. Why couldn't I have that body?! Why did I have to be a chunkster? And to this day I have body issues...I'm still striving for that "perfect" body.

Till the next chapter...

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Day 1 - The Purpose Driven Life

Question to consider: In spite of all the advertising around me, how can I remind myself that life is really about living for God, not myself?

My answer: I don't know! I'm a person who jumps on one idea and goes with it for a while until I'm tired of having to do it over and over again. It's something I'm working on. For example, I started the year pumped to read lots of books. I got to reading like 3 at a time and then I would get behind and eventually I would just stop reading all together. I'm focusing on reading one book at a time.

Till the next chapter...

Thursday, March 7, 2013

#SheReadsTruth Study

This just spoke out to me tremendously. I've heard Dr. Wayne Dyer say this exact same thing in his move The Shift.

If you're interested in deepening your understanding of God and the bible I suggest investing some time in bible studies.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Emeals UPDATE!

So, I've been a subscriber to Emeals for about a month now. When I originally joined I chose the Paleo Family Plan. Well, let me start off by saying that I had not eaten anything I did not like on this plan. It was all delish and never left me feeling with that "ugh...I'm bloated feeling" before bed or even when I woke up the next morning. Then enters a lil bitty problem...MY DAUGHTER WASN'T EATING! Yeah, I know as a good mother your children should be eating dinner with you and not just chips. Chips are not classified as a healthy dinner - at least not every night! So after getting hammered by the hubster I decided to try the Classic Family Plan. BINGO...we now have an eating daughter!

This plan is just like the Paleo...the names may sound weird and scare you off but the recipes are truly easy to make. They incorporate crockpot cooking (which I LOVES!) along with all the American classics you can think of. However, they do have somewhat of a twist on their recipes...they aren't just your typical meatloaf. Like tonight I'm making Honey BBQ meatloaf - mmmm...my mouth is watering. The best thing I love about Emeals is that you have sides. When I started meal planning on my own that was a problem I had...what sides do I make. So I kind of went into having the same 'ol potatoes, mac, and corn. Now we have variety.

And guess what...I don't spend a lot of time planning meals anymore. Every Wednesday I get an email with the new recipes for the week. You can choose to make all of them or just some of them. I like to mix it up sometimes...so when I see a recipe from another blog or Pinterest that I must try I add it to the calendar. Yes, I put my meals on my Google calendar which syncs up with my phone.

I highly recommend giving it a try. It takes all the stress out of planning the meals...unless that's what you like doing!


When you go to their website (just click the box above) you can actually view a sample menu from the different plans available. They also have breakfast and lunch options.

Let me know what you think...

Friday, March 1, 2013

Cinnamon Swirl Protein Bars...WHA WHA!!!

Ok kiddos...this is no joke when I tell ya get on this recipe ASAP! I swear it tastes just as bad-for-your-hips cinnamon rolls minus the ooey gooey icing.

I had a moment of weakness last weekend and ate 3 servings....yes...I know!

I'm going to try to make some more this weekend - most likely on Sunday. I may even make another one of her protein bars to try out.

And as for the protein - I used the new one I got recently. It's Gaspari Nutrition's Myofusion Elite Protein in Peanut Butter Cookie Dough. And even though it really doesn't taste like what I thought PB cookie dough would taste like...it's still YUM-O! And like I said...these protein bars were HELLA DELISH even with another flavor of protein powder other than vanilla.

Do you have any protein bar recipes that you can't live without?! Tell me about it...STUD!