Starting this Sunday, January 13th I will be going to FPU at my church and learning how to handle our money. Now I've taken this course before and if you work the plan it works. However, if you veer off the path like me you may struggle to get back on which is why I decided to take it again. I need that support from others in the same situation. It's nice to be able to count on others for support!
You know what's I typed that I was thinking that its the same with health and fitness. Most of us struggle with it so why is it so difficult for us to look towards other for support? We always want to do everything on our own. I know...I'm the same way. Which is why I'll be starting a fitness/health challenge on February 4th. I'm gearing it towards other moms but anyone is more than welcome to join. We'll be doing Turbo Jam together. If you don't what Turbo Jam is watch below!
Our little group will be accountable to one another through this program. If you are totally interested in joining me send me an email here.You can choose to purchase the program alone or as a Challenge Pack. Challenge Packs offer Turbo Jam along with a 30-Day supply of Shakeology. The Challenge Pack is really the way to go!
I can't wait to start this challenge with you! I also can't wait to start FPU!
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